Spotting A Fake

If your like me, you have a lot going on in your brain and you want everyone to know whats going on in there. And rightly so, right? We got our education, we have a passion for what we do, a vision to where we are leading the patient and enthusiasm that patients need to grab a hold of! But, doc, are we doing more damage than good? Even in Ecclesiastes, the Bible is full of examples on how it is necessary to honor and respect the times in our life. The time to prosper. The time to endure. The time to learn. The time to sew. The time to reap. A time to talk. A time to stay silent.

​Dr. Sigafoose once said, "It's always been my opinion that, when you make an adjustment, if you do anything beyond that, you interfere with the adjustment. The only preparation that I've ever thought one needed to do an adjustment was the willingness of the patient and the ability of the adjuster."

There certainly is a time to share your heart, vision and impart chiropractic wisdom on your patients. Never neglect the unction of innate and the direction of the Holy Spirit where there will definitely be needs of the patient that need to be addressed right then and there. But be careful, doc. The patient will cling to your leading because of that vision, leadership and the truth in the principles of chiropractic. Sometimes we think we need to impress them with the wealth of knowledge and our gift of gab. Know the patient is there to receive the gift of the adjustment, being in the presence of a healer (thanks be to Jesus and His work through you), and know the healing occurs once the interference is removed. Let it be enough, because it is 🙂

Yours in Purpose -

Pamer Associates